Dress of the Day 123: Gorgeous Green Ann Balon Skirt Outfit with Lace Insets - and how you can make inserts easily


I bought this on Ebay. It grows on you, metaphorically. I saw it in the pictures and it looked gray. I had had two green outfits from Ann Balon label before. Sagging elastic so the skirt slid down to your hips. Striped colours on the waistband. Inside hem darker than the faded front. So I was a bit wary about this one.

However, when I looked carefully I was delighted. I had other Ann Balon outfits with lace edging which I loved. But this one had a large lace inset at the front hem.

I had another company's cheaper dress in mustard colour, a layered dress, with a matching scarf, and insets of lace, from a fine, thin, lightweight, rough cheesecloth.

Dress 68 in tiers. With matching scarf. 

But my new, second hand, green Ann Balon outfit was even more amazing and intricate. It also had godets, (triangular elongated A-shaped inset in a skirt. What are godets for?  To expand the hem to almost circular so it swirls. Godets look fancy. They enable you to climb stairs and get onto buses.

How can we resist
Now that we’re aware
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Accessories with flare

To Buy Ann Balon and Lace Dresses

If you would like to buy an Ann Balon dress new, or to look at the new outfits, linkes are below. to by them second-hand, use ebay.

If you want to buy only new clothes, in lace, or a similar two, three or four piece set,  you have several options. Just google the brand name and see which ads come up. I found:

End of season (October 2020) sale at Ambrose Wilson, 31 pounds sterling, reduced roughly half price from 60 pounds. Dress and jacket in stretch lace, looks lovely.  

DIY Sewing Hints: Slits And Inserts
If you have a tight skirt and it stops you climbing up to reach high shelves in your bedroom or kitchen, or stops you climbing stairs at airports and railway stations, you have two options.
1 One is to have a slit. You can wear a thin stretchy slip underneath for modesty.

2 Alternatively, add a godet to fill in the gap in the fabric. If you put in a different type of material and can add interest. However, you may have to watch out for running colours or one fabric shrinking more than the other. 

Where do you get similar material? Take out an unseen part of the hem, the lining, a pocket, or remove a collar or shorten a sleeve leaving a sandwich with the other fabric in the middle.

 One way is to buy the same outfit in two colours. Then you have more fabric, same look and feel, to make godets. 

A godet looks fancy, but only requires two short efforts of straight line sewing.


You can also google lace dress, or mother of the bride, or mother of the groom. Happy hunting!
Useful Websites
Ann Balon video and description of three piece
Three Piece Ann Balon outfits with headscarves

See the original pictures and more from Angela Lansbury on Angela Lansbury123 on Facebook

About the author
Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. Please share links to your favourite posts.


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