Dress 148/154. 148:Red Lace jacket with bell cuffs over contrast green silk Patra top. Plaits and a glass of bubbly. Dress 154. Red theme: red lace top and red apples.

Photo by Trevor Sharot.
Hair clip cum brooch

The small orangey red fabric flower hair clip also has a pin on the back which converts it into a brooch.

Red Theme

Red lace top, with red lace glove and red apples. 

Red Lace Jacket

The red lace jacket with bell sleeves was so pretty. Too good to throw away. But it was tight on the arms. Maybe I bought it in a sale. I have lost a lot of weight, but not enough to wear tight slim sleeves. So I slit the under seam.

The red lace goes well with a sophisticated black evening skirt. When the jacket is worn over red, the lace effect is hidden. I found a pink top. But the pink was too dark and it clashed. The lining was pale pink. I reversed the pink top and the pale pink showed the contrast of the red jacket.

The jacket kept slipping off. it showed too much cleavage. So I reversed it.

The green apples and grapes worked well in yesterday's photo, so I added the two red apples for this picture.

Black Skirt

Even more useful when travelling than the little black dress, is a long black skirt. You can wear it with two to five tops. Easy to wash out a top when travelling. When sitting at a table, the tops are the thing. You just need a skirt which goes with everything, including black shoes.


Red lace jackets - you can find dozens online. My search offered me dozens of styles and w hopping five hundred dollars for a red lace Dolce and Gabbana jacket.

The best selection I found was on ebay.com The search of red lace brings up pages of lace ribbon and underwear. Add the word jacket and you find a whole range from boleros to maxi length. If you want something similar to what I was wearing, look for bell sleeve.

Useful Websites


I found lots of red lace outfits (November 2020) at around 30 dollars on the tobi website.



From China a red  lace collar, free shipping worldwide (seen Nov 2020): Under five pounds sterling, under ten US or Singapore dollars.




From China






About the Author Of This Post

Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

 Please see my other blogs and posts and share with your friends the links to your favourite posts.




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