Dress 149 Three reversible dresses for a weekend away, or one week holiday.


Angela showing three reversible dresses

Angela showing three reversible dresses. That provides six outfits. Enough for a long weekend: one day dress and a change for the evening for a long weekend, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. 

Or for a week's stay. Arrive and leave in the same dress.  Wash it on the evening of day one, with a week to dry.

On Facebook my long-standing friend Fiona, who I know from Writers' Holiday, an annual event held in Wales, recalled, "You once arrived at Writers' Holiday wearing three dresses!"

Did I really? I had forgotten that. I think I vaguely remember taking all my clothes our of my carry-on airline suitcase for a journey by train from London, England, to Wales, in February. I put all my books in the bag and there was hardly any room for clothes. Just shoes and underwear.

I opened the front door and the cool air hit me. I needed something warm. I put on a cardigan. On the bed was the reversible dress I had taken out of the suitcase. I tried that. The one with short sleeves could hide the sleeveless one. 

I opened the door. I was still cold. I went back to the bedroom. A second dress was on the bed. I tried that on over the other two. You could see I was wearing two different patterned items. However,  I was wearing a jacket. I was wearing a jacket. Nobody would notice. Nobody would know, so long as I did not tell them.

When I arrived, my friend Fiona, who had travelled by car, asked, "How did you manage to get your clothes and books into that tiny suitcase?"

I showed her. I am glad I did. Because two or three years later I had completely forgotten. But she had remembered.

About the Author Of This Post

Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker.

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