Sexy and sophisticated? Or friendly and fun? Red Four-Tier Dress With A Red Lace Glove and Red Shoes. Dress 164. Where to get the coveted shoes.


Angela is wearing: a red four-tier dress; red toe-post, wedge-heel shoes; 
and a red lace glove. Photo by Trevor Sharot.

The setting is so realistic that one of Angela's friends thought it was in the UK. The cosy corner with the fireside chair is actually a photo opportunity corner set up by the management of the Tanglin Club in the centre of Singapore.

Angela at the Tanglin club, wearing red four-tier dress, with red scarf which is decorated with gold sequins. The shoes are gold. The tote bag is red.

The dress has no label which suggests that I bought it on Ebay.

The scarf with sequins is large and covers up a lot of clothes.

The lace gloves are cheap, available online from party shops from several suppliers. They add elegance to an outfit.

The red toe-post shoes have the label COVET.

Useful Websites
Red Shoes

Covet shop in Far East Plaza, Singapore
Similar shoes to mine with the imitation diamond detail in useful black and without the toe post. Only ten Sing dollars. Bargain.

Gold Shoes

About the Author

Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker, fashionista. Please share links to your favourite posts or one or more of the blogs


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