Dress 179 Shoes are news. Thongs or Flip-flops? What do you call them?

The Orange Tee-shirt With Shoes

The Tee-Shirt
Look carefully and you will see three pairs of beach sandals on the tee-shirt.

The Skirt
The skirt has shoes in several styles. The background colour is yellow, which goes well with orange.

The Black Waistband
The black waistband is a wide black satin effect ribbon from a roll of ribbon sold by hallmark, the gift card people.  I normally avoid waring belts if possible. They cut you in half and make you look shorter and draw attention to a low or unsupported bust. You can see that I have tied another piece of the ribbon around the hat, to co-ordinate. 

The next outfit, dress 180, shows the tee-shirt top reversed with a different skirt.

Useful Websites On Clothes

About the Author

Angela Lansbury is a travel writer and photographer, author and speaker. She evaluates speeches, judges speech contests and runs language workshops. She also draws caricatures.

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