Promotional Photos: dresses post 384b how to create them using yourself, VIPs, awards, flags and brands Post 241b

One of the the Toastmasters International colours. Blue. A specific blue, with a name and a number.
To promote the Singapore international Dynamic Speakers online club, we wanted three types of advertising, flyers and posters to put in the media such as Facebook and a webpage, a background at meetings, and templates for meeting posters to go in WhatsApp. We had three ways of doing that:
1 Start from scratch on Canva or Powerpoint or Photoshop and upload the logos and text we needed.
Take existing material from toastmasters International marketing and change photos and add dates.
Take previous items from our club and update phone numbers and group photos.
Take the best eye-catching materials from the top clubs and change colours, shapes, and of course the people and dates. 
As soon as we started we realized we needed up to date photos of ourselves, ideally with something showing the umbrella organization, the club, or our awards and activities.
We decided to run a quick photo session creating several photos to use across all of our publicity material.

Another colour, to make a change.

Two of the ribbons I have been given. One is the welcome ribbon. The other is for best evaluator.

An Australian hat with corks and a British Union Jack on a washmit or bath mit from Tesco supermarket in the UK.

Edward, President of Singapore International Dynamic Toastmasters, the Belize flag, from Belize in central America.


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