Back brace for round shoulders and slipped disc, outfit 452


I ordered a Percko garment second hand from ebay.

When It arrived I was upset. I never thought I would be able to wear it. The item looked tiny.

I looked up the manufacturers website.

What was their size?

What did other customers say?

For some reason I decided to try it on.

I pulled it down gradually. With their logo on the centre front, the neck was up , pulling against my neck. I looked at the back. It was low. I thought, that can't be right. i must have it on back to front.

Let's at least try it the other way around.

What does it do?

it does sort of strighten me up a bit.

It isn't a corset. My tummy looks large today.

How does it differ from a swimsuit? It has the built in heavy elastic strips.

What's to like?

It does the work of a bra plus vest.

What doesn't work?

The clips don't reach, meet, when you pull the garment down over your hips.

It's not ideal for the hottest day of the year. However, my legs and arms are free.My bust is not drooping forward and making me hunch.

I shall try wearing it out later. First, I shall sleep in it for half an hour. I can't be bothered to keep taking it off and on.

Frankly, it is not doing much for my round shoulders and the slipped disc in my neck, except keeping me in a kind of sauna which reminds me to sit up

Not perfect. Not expected. Not what I wanted. But at least I can wear it. Good enough.

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