Pink Night Dress shortened, with hem made into an infinity scarf. Outfit, dress of the night 459.


Pink Night dress with infinity scarf made from hem cut off. Selfie photo by Angela Lansbury.

Cut night dress. I now see my feet. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

My pink night dress from Marks & Spencer which I have worn for years was too long..

I pinned up the hem with large safety pins.

The Problem With The Long Skirt

i had to cut it. I didn't bother looking for my pinking sheers. I didn't wait to measure it up. I didn't wait until somebody else was around to help me.

 I thought, 'I want this done now. I have been meaning to do it for years. The hem is trailing on the ground, threatening to trip me up. The hem gets dirty and permanently stained.

'I just spent hours of my time putting it through soap and nailbrush treatment. That was only partially successful. So I ended up soaking the hem in bleach in a bucket. I don't want it to get dirty again.'

The Spare Material

I was going to cut the ex-hem to make a belt. Instead, I put the circle around my neck like a one piece scarf. I just checked out the names. One name is an infinity scarf.

Useful Websites

Bag of 50 pins for 5.99. (You can buy 15 for about Three pounds. I get free postage with prime.

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