How To Dress For A Contest With Pin-On Microphones - and Where and How To Sit For Photos, Dress of the Day 532
Angela Lansbury, at a contest. Photo from Saddiq.
Where To Sit?
You can see me in the front row, wearing red. It is always good to sit in the front row. As a contestant I was placed in the front row. If you are speaking on stage it is convenient to be at the end of the row and near the front and near the central aisle so you can get out in a hurry.
Red makes me visible.The shoes, the top and the lipstick are all matching.
Pin-on Microphones
The organizers arranged for us to all practise pinning on the microphones at the right height and checking that they worked.
On previous occasions, at contests, there had been delays to the event and stress to the contestants and confusion about the timing of the speeches, and whether to re-start. Why? Because the battery had died or the contestant forgot to turn on the microphone. So we were briefed to ask, 'Can you hear me?', before starting to speak.
We had all been sitting, half of us with masks. I removed mine so as to have no clutter when speaking and a mask around my neck got in the way of the microphone. If you want to remain anonymous, stand at the back, wear a mask, or offer to be the photographer, or go out to the toilet, or be the security guard outside the door.
My clothes were not suitable for pin on microphones. The men were wearing shirts and jackets with empty pockets. One device which connected to an external power source was the size of a cigarette packet. It needed an empty pocket. It had a cable running up to the tiny pin-on microphone. I tried pinning the microphone onto my jacket lapels, but they were too low. I need the tiny microphone near my mouth on a collar. Next time I shall wear a collar. I had to hold the microphone near my mouth. That prevented me from making gestures with both hands, which inhibited me. I could not move my head without jerking it away from the microphone. I could not look to left and right to hold the attention of the audience because I had to concentrate on keeping the microphone near my mouth. I could not look down at my notes because that would take my mouth away from the microphone.
At the end of the contest, we are all relaxed and happy and have eaten in the interval.
Photo send by Saddiq.Seating - And Visibility
What do I think is good? I am visible in red. The top and shoes are co-ordinated.
What could be improved?
I should not have crossed my leg. I look as if my legs have been stuck on reversed left to right.
Next time I shall try to remember to wear a shirt with a collar, and a smart jacket with empty pockets.
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