Sukkot Clothes: fruit patterns, lemons, colours, blue + Ann Balon Embroidered Dyed Dress & Jacket 102 from 2020 with updates in 2022.Post 524.


Angela Lansbury wearing a pink Ann Balon dress in a blue Sukkah, holding a piece of fruit. Sharot family photo.

This was what I wore for supper in a sukkah a couple of years ago, in 2020. In the photo you can see I was wearing a dusty pink dress, brand Ann Balon. The dress and matching jacket had lace appliqué

The Colours of The Clothes
I thought Ann Balon's dusty pink was dull on my complexion, corpse colour so I tried dyeing it with Dylon powder dye from a box. I decided to just do the edges to see if I liked the color. I liked the effect of the contrast color edges. No need to do any more. Besides, the dye made such a mess in the bath, overflowing the plastic bowl, dripping as the clothes hung over the bath on hangers, that I decided not to do any more dyeing.

The colour of the awning and sides of this sukkah are blue. Blue is the colour of the magen David (star of David) on the Israeli flag. When I saw it, I thought, oops, I should have worn blue. Of course to wear the same colour as the background is a mistake if you want  to stand out. On stage you avoid wearing the same colours as the stage curtain.

Fruit Props And Blue Background
I am holding a pomegranate. Red pemegranate. I am holding it forward to create foreground interest.

This is a Sukkah or booth built against the house outdoors where you are supposed to eat all week, during the Jewish festival of Sukkoth. 
It is a harvest festival, the fruit harvest. 

What about local fruit for decoration, and colours? At this time of year, late autumn, the gardens of England have apples dropping from the apple trees in the back gardens of detached and semi-detached and terraced houses. The apples, if stored correctly, not too close to each other, can provide vitamin C through the autumn and winter months. The apples are green and red, green apples turning red as they ripen.

If you are in the USA you might want to dress up in a Sukkot outfit. You can buy tee-shirts for men and women and dresses with patterns of lemons or words referring to Sukkoth, about twenty dollars from Red Bubble.

. online shop, tee shirts by 

Yellow lemons are a feature of the Sukkoth symbolism.

Lemons patterns for Sukkot on sleeveless tops, dresses and leggings,  and red apples for Jewish New Year from the Kosher Hub in Australia, also on the website
Red bubble is a company which creates print on demand work from patterns sent in by artists, who must give their designs exclusively to redbubble. 

Ironically, the fruit traditionally used in the sukkoth ritual is the etrog, shown in mosaics in old ruinss of ancient synagogues in isreal, a useless fore-runner of lemons and hybrid citrus fruits, which are not allowed.  No, no, no. Just as well we don't waste any useful modern hybrids or juicy lemons on the ceremony. The etrog is identifiable by having a tough, pimply outside, a horribly thick white outer pith and hardly any useful moist refreshing fruit inside, with its pips pointing in the opposite direction to modern juicy lemons, so you know which one you are dealing with. Not surprisingly, the old etrog is not widely grown nor farmed. 

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