The Red Top Brand Tansshop From Refash Dress of the day 531
Photo of Angela Lansbury in a Red top, dress of the day,
I was at a Toastmasters International speech contest. This is at the end of the contest. I am being presented with three speech contest trophies and a certificate. The certificate is the certificate of participation for being in the speech evaluation contest. The trophy is for being second runner up, which sounds better than third place. If the two ahead of me are unable to attend, I shall go forward to the Distric 80 (Singapore) contest. The other two trophies are for the previous level contests are area level for are S5 in which I competed online. I was second in the Table Topics (impromptu speech) contest. I was first in the speech Evaluation contest which enabled me to compete in the contest at this venue.
The Red Top
What did I like about this red top? The wide sleeves are loose and comfortable. The plain red can go with lots of skirts and patterned skirts, as well as red shoes. The lace effect fabric is cool to wear in summer and hot situations.
The red top's brand label is tansshop. You can order them through several suppliers. They have a facebook page with links to Instagram and other places.
What can I learn from this photo of myself with three trophies and a certificate?
What is good?
Photo Positioning
We positioned ourselves against the banner. We moved so as not to cover the vital words Division S and District 80.
The see through trophies are hardly visible against coloured clothes.
The Skirt
The skirt is silk, from Patra, the UK Patra company which specializes in silk, cotton and bamboo and blends of these. Not the USA firm called Patra which specializes in cocktail dresses.
You can buy Patra clothes online and in their sales, or from Ebay.
The hem is higher at the front than the back. I feel that exposes my ankles too much. My plump ankles. So I like to wear it higher one side than the other. You really don't notice the length when I am sitting down or walking around. Nobody has commented on the length or the fact that it is higher at one point than another.
The necklaces
I am wearing a black lace necklace and a white mother of pearl pendant. The black necklace is lace. It has a red drop in the middle. It goes with the black jacket. It fills in the neck. It is good on Zoom.
When I take off the jacket, the white large pendant is better. It can be seen at a distance when I am on stage in a physical venue.
I asked a man at the venue which necklace was better. He simply replied, 'Whichever make you feel happier!'
I said, 'I can't decide. I like them both. Does it look odd to wear them both.'
He replied, 'No, it looks fine.'
So I wore them both. It saved the trouble of removing one. No risk of it getting lost breaking it the bag. Nobody asked, 'Why are you wearing two necklaces?'
Useful Websites
See my previous posts on Re-fash
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