Dress Your Best - How To Hide Bits Of Yourself Which You Want to Hide! Post 545

 Known your good side, the good side of your face. Or take three photos or five every time. Face forwards, left, right, and three quarters in both directions. Try the same looking up and down. Pose leaning forwards and backwards.

What do we need to hide? Untidy hair, bald patch, roots which need tinting - under a hat or hair band, or a pony tail. Frown lines - under a fringe or brimmed hat. Lined neck or Adam's apple (thyroid cartilage)  - under a polo neck or high neck or scarf or choker. 

Hide a tummy under an A line dress, or a long scarf. Hold a bunch of flowers. Stand behind a table. Stand half hidden behind somebody else. Place a partner seated on a chair and stand behind them. Hide half behind a door or wall, peeking out or waving or holding out a banner or welcome sign or greeting. Sit with a pet on your lap, or a soft toy.

Arms and Hands
Hid crepey arms under long sleeves. Lack of nail varnish - hands behind back, or holding a bunch of flowers, or a cup, or a book. 

Legs and Feet
Now, legs and feet. Sit with legs hidden under a table. If standing, hide knobbly knees and fat ankles under a long dress or long trousers (Americans say pants). Boots hide everything. 

You can even wear long white boots in summer if it is a dool day or you don't mind overheating. (Carry spare shoes for travelling home from your event.) 

Spare Scarves
A long scarf is handy when travelling. 
It can cover you when you enter a church or temple. Cover you when you are indoors in air conditioning in hot weather. Hide your cleavage in photos. Look discreet at your child's school or when workers or delivery people call at the house. Provide a cushion behind your back at a desk, or on a seat or bench. Cover your legs on a bus. Protect your clothes when eating dinner. Or carrying drinks and eating canapes at a cocktail party. Use it as a mask on a train in Singapore where Covid prevention protection measures are still in place on public transport.

 Something to sit on to protect clothes on rocks or grass. Cover your head and arms to prevent sunstroke; or ward off mosquitos and falling leaves. 

No nail varnish or bunions
Hide feet inside socks, or closed toe shoes or boots. Or hold a trolley in front or a teddy bear or toy dog or real dog on the floor.

Those socks called socklets which just cover your toes and the parts of your feet inside court shoes are cheap to buy. Sometimes they slide out of place. If so, try wearing adjustable shoes, or two pairs of socklets.

Useful Websites
In a patio for a winter dinner. Angela's hair hidden under a hat, and hands hidden by gloves.
Useful Websites

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