Last Day of Hanukah - outfits including for dogs, dress of the day 570

Boxing Day in the UK and some Commonwealth countries in 2022 was also the last day of  the Jewish 8 day festival ofHanukah.  I joined a group on Hanukah on Facebook and found all sorts of interesting outfits - even outfits for a cat or dog, and matching outfits for two dogs,

One dog has a blue collar, another had a blue plaid or checker tie. 

These two dogs and their cat have coats showing pattern including the eight branch hanukiah and the six point star of David.

Dog in Santa outfit, sleeping it off after all the Xmas day excitement. Type in dog outfit for Christmas or dog Santa and you will get loads of pictures.

If you don't have a dog, you can buy cushions or blanket throws for a sofa.

Photo from  Facebook page on Hanukah.

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