Dressed Up Dining Chairs: Cushion Covers turned into dining chair covers, curtains as knee covers or camisoles


Cushion covers converted into dining chair covers. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.

I had two cushion covers separated from the curtain which they originally matched. They also had moth holes, so I put them out of the house onto the balcony chairs. They lay scrumched up, untidy. I did not want to carry them back through the house to the bin for fear of spreading the moths or most cases. Eventually I decided they looked untidy and I should shake them out and fold them up. I folded them over the backs of the plastic chairs.

Then I decided to slit them down one of the four edges so that the fabric could go over the chairbacks. The holes at the back are completely invisible. I could cut off the back of the cushions, sew up the holes, and use them to cover the seats. The balcony is protected by the one overhead so this part of the balcony against the back wall is not affected by rain.

One of the buttons from the centre is missing, probably in my button box. The other one fell off. But it is better off the cushion so that the two match. Besides, since it is now flat and not needed. What's more, a button in the middle of your back would be an obstruction, an annoyance or painful.  

The interesting part of this exercise is that I have learned several things.

Put moth-eaten items outdoors in the garden or on a balcony. 

Use cushions as chair backs to soften and decorate garden dining chairs.

Cut a cushion seams to make a seat and back cover. Just add ribbons or elastic to tie it firmly to the chair legs and back. If you have an old curtain which matches, this can be a tablecloth or a throw over a sofa. Or a knee cover for sitting in the sun to get fresh air and vitamin D in chilly weather.

If you want to add flower pattern cushions as tie backs for garden chairs, Shein has flower pattern cushions.

Cushion Covers For Clothes & Aprons

These orange cushion covers in the pictures were heavy imitation velvet, with a thick fabric. Too heavy to wear. If you have this cushion covers to spare, you can add ribbons and make them into pretty aprons or camisole tops for summer.

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