How to make a buttonhole, post 516

 In the days of my grandmother, my paternal grandmother who was a seamstress, you would sew buttonholes by hand. How?

How to make a Buttonhole by Hand

You start by drawing a line in pencil or with tailor's chalk. What is tailor's chalk? 

Tailor's Chalk

A tailor's chalk looks solid, like coloured pencil lead. It doesn't crumble like blackboard chalk. The tailor's chalk is a contrasting colour, but washes out easily.

Another name for tailor's chalk is French chalk.

From Wikipedia.

An alternative in a washable felt tip pen. Check it really washes out on another scrap of fabric or the back inside hem  or half way up an inside side hem, anywhere which won't show.


To stop the button hole from fraying, you sew several parallel lines of one long stitch across both ends of the slit. These lines must be close together. That conceals the end and prevents the fabric pulling apart each time you use the buttonhole to fasten or unfasten the button. 

Then you sew up the two long sides of the buttonhole. You use button hole stitch. But the verticals running perpendicular to the slit must be of even length and close together, creating an even effect. Before doing this for the first time, or after a long break from sewing or sewing buttonholes, practise on a spare piece of fabric. 

Sewing Machine Buttoholer

If you have a sewing machine, check to see if you have a buttonhole attachment. Or if you can buy one. I bought a set of attachments for a Singer sewing machine. I only wanted the buttonholer, but the seller had a complete set of attachments. As the machine was old and I would likely never see a set o attachments again, I bought them. 

So, what do you do with your buttonholer. After admiring it. Or hiding from it. 

You clip it on, screw it on, fix it on over a needle. It is basically a metal stencil which your screw on, a guide to sewing a straight line,within and oblong.  But not beyond a certain length. 

You might have to set your machine to two kinds of stitch, the longer stitch at the two ends of the buttonhole, and the closed up zig zag along the two long sides. The later models of machines have more expensive but simpler buttonholers, two step instead of four step, requiring less fiddling around and changing direction. 

My dream is to have a machine which just makes the whole buttonhole automatically. Second best would be  live in maid who knows how to use a sewing machine or is the practical type willing to learn anything.

Just look at any button hole, or several. You will see how buttonholes are created and sewn up securely.

For years I was afraid of using a buttonhole attachment, or any attachment.

If you are confident and want to try something fancy, try keyhole buttonholes.

Or leave the buttonholes visible.

Make them a feature, with contrasting cotton.

Useful Websites

Machine maker brands

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