Recycling shoes, post 517, for others, or yourself

In Australia and the UK and USA most people have shoes. Shoes are needed by

athletes in poor countries who need good shoes for running

people in poor countries without any shoes needed for walking

Why do you need shoes?

To avoid or reduce

Animal dung - from cats, cows, dogs, more 

ant bites

poison ivy

rusty nails





Shoes for Planet earth has collection points in Australia.

Recycling for yourself

Many websites claim that you can clean up old white sneakers (lace ups, often with canvas tops) by putting them in washing machines.

You might get a few extra wears out of your shoes by adapting them. You might want to invest in shoe glue.


 Or straps. for flat shoes or heeled shoes. Search for detachable straps.


Or do what some people do with socks, buy two or three pairs. When one shoe or sock wears out, you bring in one of the spares.

Useful Websites

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