Jacques Vert blouse from the Cancer Research Shop in Ilkley, Dress of the Day 596


Angela Lansbury wearing a Jacques Vert blouse. Photo by Trevor Sharot.

The Jacques Vert Top
I was attracted by the bright red colour. I thought it would go with my skirt. The red and white is yin and yan. Suitable for Singapore's Natuonal day, August 9th, which features the red and white Singapore flag.

The company was founded in 1972 by Jack Cynamon and Alan Green. They combined the first name of one with the surname of the other and made it French to sound more exotic and sophisticated. Their clothes always suit me and usually last and last. The fabric is not cotton but polyester, which means it resists creasing. Although polyester fabric always strikes me as cheap, the cut and style of their clothes and the attention to detail, such as the fabric covered button fastening the neck, always makes the garments feel and look good, and seem stylish.

The Long-sleeved White Blouse
The blouse is white. The fabric is faintly striped, iridescent,  and stretchy. It feels comfortable. I feel elegant wearing it. To fasten it, two buttons are on each cuff.

The Skirt
The red broderie Anglaise skirt is from Marks & Spencer. The size is too large. I have sewn a pleat into the waistband on both sides.
I love it and wear it almost every day.

The Lace Edged Slip
The black lace-edged slip is my favourite slip. 

The Accessory Dolls' House
The dolls' house was built from a kit. The dolls' house is San Franciso style with the rounded turret. Actually octagonal. The roof is steeply pitched. Every time I look at my photo I see more unusual aspects of the building's design.

I searched online for dollhouse kits. I found three tier dolls houses from about twenty dollars, up to about sixty. You can spend more, say 300 dollars. You need to check the size of the finished product, as well as any furniture and furnishing provided.

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