Orange dress from Marks & Spencer, 594, outfit in pale orange teamed with soft green

  Orange dress from Marks  & Spencer. Other items were gifts to the wearer, including the home made necklace. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

I wear a lot of red, white and black. However, the soothing creamy green and orange combination worn by my new friend appealed to me.

If you are looking for dresses in Marks & Spencer, in August (the Harrow branch in St Anne's outdoor shopping mall) had dresses for sale. I thought the prices were quite high, some reduced by as much as 70%, others by 30 to 50 per cent, several around forty pounds, others around thirty or about twenty. But tee-shirts included  an atractive one in white wiht a plam tree pattern in the centre, at under twenty pounds.  

The sale was in August 2023. I expect that every year August will be the time to look in the sales.


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