Posing for a photo with a passing dog post 609


Picture 3 Angela Lansbury, in grey, swing style, Angelic dress, and passing dog. Photo by Trever Sharot.

Using A Dog As A Fashion Photo Prop

I saw this dog and thought, I just have to add that dog to a photo. It is an attention getter.

You don't need to own a dog or pet to add interest to a photo. Just borrow the neighbour's. Or any passer-by with a dog will probably be flattered if asked to pose in a photo. 

The difficulty is getting the dog to face the camera. We took half a dozen shots to get it facing me. 

A dog's rear end is not a good look. We kep trying to get the dog to turn around, then get nearer to me. It finally got the idea and bounded towards me. 

When we got the dog to face me and come nearer, I was alarmed and retreated. Dog gained, model lost.

Anyway, we managed to get one picture before the dog, dog walker, photographer and I got tired.

For details of the grey swing dress, the bag, the sandals, the jacket, and the black lace top, see previous post s 608 and 609.

Dress from rack in the atrium of Bukit Panjang Plaza.

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