Sort out hangers - Free hangers, baby sizes for trousers post 228

Free Hangers

When I buy a garment, I ask shops if I can have the hangers. Sometimes they say yes. Sometimes no. 

Sometimes not this hanger, but you can have this one. I take any hanger. I can move garments around.

Baby Hangers

Baby hangers are useful for shawls, dickeys, handbags, trousers (Americans say pants). Also for travelling with a carry on bag when you are short of space and weight allowance.

You can organize your wardrobe with hangers. Multiple baf hangers for skirts and tops and trousers. 

Tie hangers for the back of a wardrobe door.

Wedding Hangers

Bride and groom hangers for outfits for the special day. They can come in white with the words Bride, and Groom. Or the names of the bride or groom in black or gold. Mother of the bride.  Mother of the groom.

 Useful websites

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