Toe-post shoes and socks Post 243

I had a pair of toe-post shoes. They were a size too large. But the main problem was that the toe post was uncomfortable.It rubbed.

Why? It was not plastic. It was stiff fabric. 

When I inspected the toe-post to try to diagnoze the problem, I saw that it had a ridge along the vertical seem.

I wore the shoes for three minutes between the bed and bathroom.

Later, the next day, I came home early evening wearing white socks.

I thought, I can wear the shoes again briefly before bed.

I went to put on the toe post shoes. Then I realised I was still wearing my socks. Oh no! 

Maybe I could cut a slit to divide the socks' toe along by the big toe. So that they would look like mittens. I have seen socks cut like that, or constructed like that.

I put my foot into the shoe. But maybe I could wear the socks intact, stretching them between the big toe and the next toe. This required some pulling of the socs' toes to make room for my toes.
Serach words include yoga socks and glovese for your feet.

From wikipedia yoga socks.

Useful websites
Without the heel, five toe and pads underneath for court shoes.

See later post  245.  Please share links to your favourite posts.


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