Beautiful Bow Tie 7 A Bottle Of Wine, Outfit of the night, 280


Peter in his bow tie with a bottle at a wine tasting. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Bow Tie
What are the advantages of a bow tie? Some come ready tied with a clip at the back. Easy and quick. No time lost tying your tie. 
Nothing hanging down to get in your soup. Nouthing to drop drips on and stain.
Ultra smart. One up on all the other men.
Can be matched to your waistcoat. Or your hair. Or eyes. Brown, black, or blue.
Horizontal rahter than vertical. 
Draws attention to your face.
Draws attention down, away from a bald head.

The Bottle
Makes you look more like a reader of labels than a drinker of wines. More intelectual than drunk. 
Black is for orchestras. Colours such as palin purples are for ushers at weddings. Read and patterns are fun for comedians and clients at events.
A colourful tie, or or one at an angle, makes you look simultaneously smartly dressed and fun to be with.

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