Outfit 283 hat and scarf Billabong brand


I sewed three scarves and hats together in one evening. This match up of a scarf and hat was the most challenging.

My first decision was whether to show the brand name, Billabong, which I found rather amusing, and wear the black side outside.

Alternatively, choose the green side out. The almost luminous lime would be less conventional than black, more striking, different to my other outfits, different to everybody else's outfits 

I wondered whether a black hat was easier to match up with coats and macs and jackets in black.. 

However, I stuck to my principle of having light colours at night for safety. The theory of wearing white was backed up by experience as a car pasenger. My husband and I had driven around London in winter after dark and several times had what seemed like near misses when a dark shadow suddenly crossed the road, from under black trees, apparently out of nowhere. Did I till want the conveience of match everythign black which doesn't show the dirt? Decision, decision - but, in the end, an easily made decision. Safety first.

The other brand name was Leonardo on the scarf. I decided to keep that visible. Keeping it on show meant sewing the scarf the right way onto the cap.

I fixed the centre of the seam of the hat, which I wanted on the nape of the neck, not in the middle of the forehead where I would forever be tugging it to one side or the other to keep it straight.
I folded the scarf in half.

I planned, as previoulsy on my other scarf-hat combinations, to sew the two edges of the hat and scarf together inside out to keep the stitches hidden. I sewed on the dark coour side with dark cotton to match, black or navy, as much as possible. I used small stitches. that made the sewing more secure. But my main reason was to keep my wobbly hand sewing inconscpicuous. I  reversed the sewing direction at the end to keep the stitching tight. 

Fortunately after the first two or three stiches I checked the scarf. I went to a mirror to see whether it would hang right. Somethow I had reversed it so the logo was back to front, on the back of the scarf.

It took ony a minute to remove my frist stitches and start again.

Druing the evening I had sewn three caps onto three scarves. I had reduced the numbers of separate items in my cupboard. I had co-ordinated scarves and caps. I had new warm outfits. Guard against loss. New colour options. Less chance of loss. New effects.  New, new, new!

Useful Websites


Cream poncho and matching hat and scarf set in white
about twenty pounds and about three pounds postage within the UK

For warmth, a hooded cardigan in white from ebay.


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