Rainbow Gloves rainbow outfit dress of the day number 285

Angela Lansbury wearing rainbow scarf sewn onto a red hat, rainbow socks, and rainbow gloves. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright.

the alternative to go with the gloves and socks is the black background rainbow hat with pom pom.
Angela wearing a rainbow knitted hat with a pom pom, bought fron North Harrow libarary,at an HOD Toastmasters meeting. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright.
Rainbow Gloves
 Gloves in rainbow colours were displayed In Northwick Park hospital in a shop alongside Costa on the fourth floor.  The price was only 1 pound ninety nine pence, a penny under two pounds. About five different varieies of colour. I held them against my blue jacket and against my rainbow-coloured socks.

Oddly, the bright blue wrist rainbow which I liked the most went least well, co-ordinated least and looked not outlandish but too vivid, distracting. I reluctantly put them aside. 

I tried to reduce the other four pairs to one. Then I considred the total price, if I bought two, three, or four. I, decided that to buy only one pair was silly. Because, for only eight pounds, the price of a nice pair of adult gloves, I could have all four rainbow gloves, which I would probably never see again. I had to have them.

the rainbows are so versatile. You can brighten up any white or black dress, shirt, trousers, or jacket. You catch match with plain colour skirts, trousers or tops.

The Sock Story

To sum up, the first purchase I made was the socks online from China. They were stiff, synthtic and not stretchy, too tight.  After I dieted and ran out of socks, i packed them as an extra and found long socks essential and invaluable in chilly January in France. An Aerican in a restaurant admired them and got talking to me. 

The Pom Pom hat Story

I saw the rainbow hat in North Harrow library where items are knitted and donated to raise funds for the library which the council planned to close to save money and because they thught everybody went online nowadays. however children learn to read through handling books and the elderly like large print and traditionalists don't like computing and love books, so volunteers run it, they sell books and toys and cards and small toyds, and a toastmasters International public speaking club, HOD, meets there.

The Scarf Story

The scarf matched the hat, almost. But a red hat went well and needed a match - the other red scarves weren't quite the right red. By separating the two rainbow items, I had two different rainbow effects. 

The Glove Story

The gloves made the outfit complete, hat-scarf, gloves socks. 

Only after I put up the pictures did I realise that the pm pom hat was not with the scarf but made a seond set.. That will be outfit 285.

You can buy rainbow socks at under five pounds sterling, on sale in January-Feb 2024, also from Temu, rainbow Socks company and others.

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