How And Why To Paint A Bead Bracelet - with nail varnish, dress 301


Broken bracelet repainted red with nail vanrnish. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

I found a broken bead bracelet on the ground. It was dirty with broken and/or missing beads. The main bead was a star with a point broken off. Two of the five round beads were cracked or split. 

It was dirty. If it had been my child's I would not have picked it up, because it might have infected her, or me, or me and then her. I used to pick things off the floor without ever consiering dirt. Covid changed all that. Now I am a religious hand washer. I used to pick up other people's litter and put it in the bin. Now I won'g even move litter in my own garden touched or drought by the mangy fox (mange caused by some nasty parasite) unless I have disposable or washable gloves.

I picked it up the bracelet and tought, ershaps I should hand it in just in case the parent or guardian wants it back. I thought, theyre is nowhere to take it. The police station has closed down It is of no value. it's broken. It probably got broken after being dropped. Nobody will wear it.

the pharmacy won't want it. They don't want germs in their shop. I tried handing in a borken buckle to a station kiosk in Singapore. The attendant did not want to record it. He said, "I'll throw it away for you." Singaporeans don't buy second hand. If something is old, or stained, or borken, threy throw it away and buy new.

My husband would say, 'It's broken. Throw it away. Not more clutter!'

I thought, it's dirty - picking it up was a mistake. I have to wash my hands, the item, my pocket. 

 However, I had a plastic bag to hold it in. As soon as I got home I washed the bracelet and my hands in hot water and sanitiser. 

What could I do with it? Cut the string and save three tiny beads and throw away the others?

The beads were tiny. I could not wear it out. It looked too shabby.

I could wear it at home. But every tie I looked at it, the broken bits annoyed me. I worried about germs lurking in the broken beads.

The star and two of the beads had lost their red paint, exposing the base layer of cream paint. I needed to varnish it. I had some paint lacquer somewhere. I wish I were more orgized. next time I find my paint lacquer I shall put it in a specific place. A place for everything and in its place. So true.

Next time I went to the bedroom and bathroom, I washed my hands and reached for my nail varnish to do my nails. I had clear and white and red varnish.

Can you see where this is going? Yes. First I took the clear varnish to fill the cracks in the beads and try to seal the broken pain so that no more would fall off. 

I tried to add a little extra blog on the tip of the star. Ihoped the broken tip would be less viible. Nobody else would notice. But I would notice every time I looked down.

I was still unhappy with the mottled beads. I painted over the big red bead with red paint. I had to do the top first, wait, then the other side, then the sides. I did a second coat to make it more even I held it in mid0air until it dried. It was quick-drying. Of course, I was impatient. I did not know exactly how long it would take. I got paint on my finger tips, and on the piece of scrap while paper from my pile or scrap paper.

Finally, I painted the small beads. I had wanted to leave the cream colour ones cream as a contrast. Maybe paint them white to contrast with the red beads. Too much trouble. risk of the red paint rubbing against the white. Drawing attention to the bracelet beads and any imperfections.

the final result is not perfect in close-up. The stretchy thread now has red nail varnish on it, so that it is mottled. I would not wear it to a wedding or grand do, just around the house.

However, it has been a very interesting learning experience. What have I learned, and what can I tell you.

1f you don't have a clasp, or want a braclet you can take off and on quickly, to wash your hands, undress at night, dress quickly in the morning, change your mind when you change the colour of your clothes, you can make a bracelet threaded on a thread of elastic tied in a knot.

Obviously, the thread must be thin enough to go through the holes in the beads. to avoid losing valuable or sentimentally valuable beads, change the elastic before it breaks. Real pearls are sold with the waring that they should be re-strung every year to prevent any loss through breakage of the string.

You might prefer to wear your elasticated bracelet only at home, or at home and at a venue, and carry it in a container or bag.  while travelling. Or wear it under an elasticated or buttoned cuff and only pull the cuff back to expose the bracelet once you reach the destination.

I now know how to make a child's bracelet from scratch. thread a set of matching or same or all different rainbow beads on an elastic string. tie it to the size of the wrist. Not too tight, as it would feel uncomfortable, restrict circulation, and leave a mark, or irritate the skin. Not too loose so it falls off, gets loose and looks untidy.

To secure the elastic, tie it in a secure knot. Learn to avoid making slip knots, and know the reef knot. If you can't remember and you are into crafts, print a picure of the two and put it on your notice board in the room where you do crafts, or keep it in your purse. or tape it inside a notebook or diary and consutl it every day for a week until you know it.

You can buy beads designed to cover knots. They pull apart to go over the know and then clip together. They cost more. Cheaper to buy more than one. 

In theory you could make bracelets in black and white for winter and summer, or black and white, for an all season bracelt, for day and evening. Or a set of bracelets in all colours to match all your outfit. Or at least in your favourite colour, red, purples. blue, green, yellow, whatever.

You can also make a bracelet for a friend. In their favourite colour. Or a set in all colours for a craft fair to sell. or to donate to a charity shop or raffle for a charity or a fund-raiser for your favourite cause.

the next step would be to make a matching set on stretchy elastic, a necklace, bracelet, maybe even a ring with teeny beads.

Finally a brooch from a fancy safety pin with beads threaded along the visible pin. 

Not finally, postcript, finally you can use your favourite nail varnish to paint a bracelet. I was thinking I must put on red nail varnish to go with a red bracelet. Or red and white beads to go with both red or white nails. Or red and white beads with alternating red and white nails. Or black and white alternating beads and alternating beads. 

How long does nail varnish last? Not as long as proper paint. You might wish to buy the paint, then buy nail varnish to match. Probably an exact match is not necessary. A near match would be sufficiently impressive.

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