Natural or Synthetic - which lasts longest, creates less waste? Post 296

 Is Natural Best When Buying Fabrics?

The comments often say, stop buying synthetics and go back to natural fibres.  Cotton must be good, surely?

But moths are eating my cotton and wool clothes, even new ones.

Do Moth Repellents Work?

Perhaps they do. But not enough to save my clothes. I am using moth balls and insect sprays. However, the cotton clothes and wool get holes and stains faster than synthetics. But this is not my experience with accessories.

Disintegrating Bags And Shoes

When it comes to bags, belts and shoes, synthetics seem to diintegrate fast, even when you are not using the item.

My shoes disintegrate. My Hotter shoes, fine on top, but the black thick soles crumbled.

Synthetic Bags Disintegrate

Yes, leather wallets disintegtae. Plastic folders holding bus passes and address cards will disintegrate. 

Belts break into fissure and grow frayed around the edges.

What are the solutions?

Some companies offer discounts on new clothes if you return old ones which they proise to recycle into new ones.

You can rent items such as wedding wear. But at the end of the season the shop has to dispose of the goods because fashions change. However, after renting out an outfit several times, they often sell them to customers 9not to companies which send more than half to andfill) at the end of the season at a discount.

If plastic bottles can be compressed into bricks for waterproof housing for the poor and homeless or environmentally sensivite, surely you could compless the clothes. Use them to build barriers to rising seas, and raise the land to prevent flooding.

Storage - I have loads of clothes in storage.

I like to buyclothes to recycle them. Ebay online. Refash in Singapore. St Luke's and other chairty shops in London.

if moths eat my cotton and woollen clothes, it must be possible to feed clothes to insects. Then we could eat insects, either as insects, or reformed as vegetarian food or mock-meat.

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