Scarf tying tips - front, back and knot, or clipped, outfit 315

I wear a lot of scarves. What to do? I have scarf brooches but I loose them. The moral is, a place for everything, and everythign in its place. Maybe keep them in the drawer with the scarves.

I watched a scarf tying video. It goes very fast.

A good idea  is to pick a scarf and then watch the video. Practice on that scarf. 

One easy tip is threading a scarf through the top button hole. This requires a very slender scarf. Thin silk. 

You also need a neatly sewn buttonhole which won't catch the threads of your precious scarf. A good alternative to a brooch with a big pin which could tear a delicate scarf. 

Practise the neat knot on a day when you are not going anywhere, perhaps with a friend. Like tying a school tie, once you have learned it, if you do it every day, it soon becomes easy. 

Negatives\ - warning on long scarves

Another warning, caveat. I do not like scarves circling around the front of the neck and then hanging back which could catch in machinery, or clothes. At worst, strangle the wearer,. At best, be uncomfortable. Or be pulled by somebody playful or aggressive.

Positives - pretty neck interest

On the other hand, a scarf tying at the front can cover a blemish. A mole. A love bite.The prominent Adam's apple. Also conceal a hanging neck or wrinkled of an older person.  

Front tying just below the neck also draws attention to the face if you are speaking. And adds colour and frames the face if you are speaking online

If its all too much effort and time, you can buy neck scarves in circles with an elastic at the front or back so that you stretch them to pull on and off over your head. Or the front knot permanently tied, attached or sewn together, with a clip at the back. Like bow ties which clip together at the back. Bow ties are another option.

If you have a fancy pattern on a scarf you might want to leave it hanging with the pattern across the back, or pinned to one shoulder at the front.

However, a plain coloured scarf can be enhanced by a fancy knot or shape, especially if you are slim, or well-endowed, and want to show off your figure and tie it figure hugging like a bolero.

Another solution is a scarf tie ring.

I thought it looked a bit bulky. However, strangers liked and commented on the colours. The outfit kept my husband happy. That's the most important thing. (As the saying goes, 'if mother ain't happy, ain't nobody happy'! That applies to fathers and husbands too. But also toddlers.) So here I am, happy. I hope this makes you happy.

Useful Video

My other useful posts on scarves

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