Anthony Sicari vintage outfit 373

 My vintage Anthony Sicari outfit. Probably bought in the eighties. The outfit consists of three matching pieces.

The Skirt
The skirt, or dress with a thin, white sleeveless top holding the plated skirt in place. 

The skirt is pleated. I am not thrilled with pleats. In theory, you can remove the skirt, convert it into a wrap skirt, and still have spare fabric for a scarf or headband or belt or all three. 

I have done that with free secondhand garments which were too small on the hips at the join, so I had to remove the skirt. Since the garment was free, and unwearable as it was, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

However, this outfit fits perfectly. It cost a lot. I am not going to risk ruining it, nor having it in pieces whilst  I am too busy to finish it.

The Matching Top
The blue knitted body of the top, with wide sleeves in the same fabric as the skirt. 

The Bonus Scarf
A matching scarf is what completes the co-ordinated look, makes it look finished.

I must watch some more of those YouTube videos where elegant young women demonstrate in four minutes, six ways to tie a scarf.  

Where to find Anthony Sicari outfits?
On ebay and elsewhere. They range in price, from low for one piece cardigan, to high for the three piece outfits. For me, in the UK, the killer is the postage cost. If you are in the USA, you are lucky. Much lower postage costs.

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