How I search and bid on ebay post 397

 I set the type of garment, such as dress or swimsuit, any extra features, such as pockets, or long sleeves, or matching scarf, or set or two piece, silk or cotton. Finally, price low to high.

Occasionally that brings the wrong results first, such as a knitting pattern instead of a jumper, or baby's boots instead of women's boots. If so trying Next Page twice helps.

 Or setting the view to the mosaic instead of a column. That enables me to spin through pictures faster.

I can save Search. That might send me email updates of new listings.

I can also put the item in my basket but not yet buy it. Then I can keep looking for similar items at lower prices, or offers of buy a set of multicolours in socks or underwear such as bras.

Or watch. If you watch, sometimes the buyer sends you a reduced price offer.

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