Orange vintage jacket by Laurent Roma, outfit 415


Orange jacket label Laurent Roma worn by Angela beside green car. Photo by Trevor Sharot.

Angela Lansbury in autumn orange with orange jacket, orange shoes and orange and multi-colour umbrella. Photo by Trevor Sharot.

The name Laurent is Italian and French for Lawrence. From the Latin.  (You may recall the name Yves Saint Laurent, YSL for short, which stands for Yves Saint Laurent.) The name means from an area south of Rome which had Laurel trees. The name Lawrence is also related to Larry and Lars. I'm astonished and impressed by how much wonderful knowledge I have gained by trying to track down the origin of the name on the label.

The Orange Jacket
The label says designed and made in Italy. The garment is vintage. I bought it years ago, probably in what was then an Oxfam shop in Hatch End. The fabric appears to be suede. If it was real suede it was a lower price than a new garment because the orange suede has lots of dirty grey marks. I hoped to be able to rub them off but without success, so the shabby jacket was only occasionally worn at home.

However, it is enjoying a second life with my new-found interest in wearing orange, rather than my usual red. The bright colour brightens up a dull day.
It feels comfortable and soft. It goes well with my Croc or clog-style shoes. 

I cannot find anything else by Laurent Roma on the web. So it is unique.

The Skirt - black 
The long black skirt is from Debenhams department store. The fabric is soft and stretchy.

The lesson of the story is to match up oranges. I passed a multi-colour umbrella in the umbrella stand, and thought, that will pick up the orange colour of my outfit.

The paler orange of the blouse goes with the roses. 

Other colours in the umbrella include that bright lime green. I paired it in the picture with the pistacchio green car.

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