American Vintage Anthony Sicari 3 piece suit and scarf, dress of the day 421


Photo by Angela Lansbury.

Photo by Trevor Sharot.

The Colours
I thought of this as summer white. We used to wear white clothes and accessories for the summer season, and black clothes and accessories in winter. However, with the ubiquity of winter sports and winter outfits, winter white is also wearable.

Anthony Sicari Outfits
What do I like about Anthony Sicari Outfits?
1 If you can get a three piece outfit, scarf included, they look very co-ordinated.
2 Vibrant colours. These suit my complexion. (If you are suited to dull colours, I have a lot of clothes in grey or dusty pink to sell to you.)
3 The clothes don't crease, always look smart. No ironing needed.
4 The upper sleeves on most of the tops and jackets are wide enough for a size 1 person to fit comfortably, whatever size garment you order. I have had outfits of all sizes and they all look good.

The Shopping Source
Ebay. You will find lots more, mostly in the USA. For people like me in England, you need to watch constantly for a UK source because the postage on bulky items is often the same as the garment, sometimes more, doubling or tripling the price. Americans ordering items which are in America, or Brits ordering goods which are in the UK, are very lucky.


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