Colour and Clothes For The Colour Blind Post 445

Colour and Colour Blind

Because my uncle was colour blind, somebody, he, or more likely a friend, had written instructions on which of his regular ties went with which shirts. For example, this is a blue tie to go with the blue shirt with the white collar. The items were all in a drawer.. 

An alternative matching system would have been to hang all matching items on a hanger together. You can buy multi-colour sets of wire hangers. 

Labelled Hangers

Etsy has lots of suppliers of stick on labels for hangers, bride and groom, other relationships, the person's first name, and they can simply print to order so you could add a colour such as bride's red dress, or blue clothes, green clothes, white outfits, black.

Or bride and groom handgers come in black and white with a ribbon around the neck of the hook. You could copy this with a ribbon tied in a bow. Add a suitcase label which has the colour written large with a felt tip pen.

Alternatively, print colour names in the colour on your printer at home or your office at work.

The cheapest DIY option if you don't have a printer is to cut the words for colours out of a magazine.  Or made up the colour name out of the individual capital or small letters, mixing larege and small letters for easy reading. For example R E D   G r e e n  p i n k  B LA C K.  

This might help the carer in a hurry to dress somebody who cannot read English. However, if the person is colour blind you might want to stick to black and white and bold.

Testing For Colour Blindness

You can work out which colours a person cannot see with a colour chart in which a number is written in various colours on a background. A different numbr for each colour.


A person who is colour blind would also have trouble identifying flowers, distinguishing them from leaves. My colour blind uncle did not want flowers in hospital because he could not see them. He had no flowers in his garden (Americans say yard). Therefore flower patters, flowers, bouquets, buttonhole flowers, have to be in colours and shapes they recognize, if they want to wear them.

Useful Websites


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