Waistcoats for Weddings, and Lost and Found Keys Post 444

I inherited an old waistcoat or two from my late uncle after he died. They were in facy colours and patterns with half belts at the back, a bit worn but too good to throw away,  Plus of course, the sentimental value. The waistcoats were plain colour or black and a colour pattern. He had non matching bow ties with elastic which had overstretched, black and white.

He was a musician. He had to dress in smart evening wear to play in a quartet in the Ritz hotel in the lunch time and evenings. Also in a BBC radio orchestra, which might have had a live audience. Even if none, the orchestra like early announcers on BBC radio wore smart clothes for two reasons. So that they respected their job and felt important and responsible. To distinguish performers from doormen and other staff to quickly round them up for the start of an event or direct them to the correct performanace or rehearsal room. 


I bougght end of season discount waistcoats from Impeccable in Hatch End.

Waistcoats For Weddings

On a waistcoat for a man's outfit, such as groom or usher at a wedding, usually two shallow pockets. Too mall for anything useful. Except a flat key or a ring, which I would fashen with a ribbon sewn in or secured by two small safety pins.  

The handkerchief, matching the tie or belt, or other accessory, would be folded into a diamond, then horizontally with the point upwards out of the top pocket of the outer garment to make a co=ordinated look.  I have bought reduced price end of season waistcoats from Imprecable in Hatch End North London, but the pockets were too small for phones or anything useful. 

Moving keys from one dialy bag to an evening bag means you risk losing your keys, unless you send yourself an email headed, where are my keys.

Useful Websites

Horse pattern waistcoat



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