Indigo Moon - masses of marvellous vintage items - post 479
I love my Indigo Moon jacket with the elaborate embroidery, curls and swirls, contrasting colours of embroidery against the background. I was not keen on brown, at first. Over the past week I have grown accustomed to it.
I have matched up thin brown silk blouses. They are delicate, too delicate for everyday wear when a thick cotton tee-shirt would be more practical. They would tear easily, or the seams could pull apart, or the fabric alongside the seams. But, back to Indigo Moon. Let's have a look online.
Vast Choice
Indigo Moon went out of production years ago. The good news is that I found loads of items from Indigo Moon. First, on Ebay. Then Etsy. Also elsewhere. They are gorgeous.
Some of them are like my brown jacket in style. Not only the embrodi\ery. All slightly offset patterns, never absoutely symmetrical.
Only the overall shape is symmetrical. The jackets have mid size buttons down the front.
Others are in the style of solid pull over tops. (I am separating the words pull and over because in the UK a pullover is knitted, whilst these are cotton tops.) I suppose you could buy a solid top in a smaller size, a larger jacket in a co-ordinating colour to go on top. Or would that look too busy?
What about a complete outfit? Top and skirt. Much rarer. I did spot one complete skirt suit. Much dearer.
See post 477 for my comments on and pictures of animal and plant patterns on my Indigo Moon jacket.
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