Update - my five-pocket tee-shirt arrived! Post 474.


Angela Lansbury

Five pocket tee-shirt, showing two top zipped pockets. Photo by Angela Lansbury.

This is the 5 pocket tee-shirt, arrived Jan 16th 2025,  which I ordered Jan 9th when I showed in blue fromn the online ad in my blog post of that date.

Size - Large

I am a short person with a large bust. I ordered size large so I could wear the short-sleeved, tee-shirt over other warmer, long-sleeved, thermal vests or clothing such as a blouse, and still have the tee-shirt pockets accessible. 

Maybe it looks a tad too large. A bit baggy. Fitted would have looked more elegant. My husband said, 'It's a smock.' No, it isn't. A smock has a piece across the top. What he meant was it's baggy across the bust.

The Pockets

The zipped pockets are accessible. Good enough. Not perfect. (Not with a hidden second pocket inside each the outer pocket in the pick-pocket proof clothing company which makes a short skirt and has inconspicous colours.) Not hidden from would-be pickpockets with pockets down the side seam which you might have been able to hide them with arms clutched to your sides. However, to hide the pockets, you can wear a jacket on top. I always have a jacket with me if I have a sleeveless or short sleeved garment. You will get cold when you step into an air conditioned restaurant, or if there is a chill, cloud, sea breeze, or less warmth after dark. 

My husband is a bit negative about my multi-pocket addiction. He said, 'Now youll just lose everything in all those pockets.'

No, I won't. I shall have a system. Paper hankies (tissues) in the open pockets to find them in a hurry when you are about to sneeze or have a sticky hand from eating, and if you lose them, no valuables or items which can't be replaced.

Keys will be attached to a ribbon which can be safety pinned inside one of the pockets, later moved to another garment or jacket.

Next, let's consider the colour.

The Colour - Burgundy Dark Red

This tee-shirt came in a good choice of colours. I am tempted to buy another, smaller.

The blue shown in the ad was more dramatic and attractive. I was afraid it would clash with everything or not go with other garments. So I chose the burgundy. 

At first sight I was not thrilled with the colour. I go for jolly bright red, cheeful oranges, pretty pinks. However, you could argue that a softer hue is more suitable for the countryside, and less conspicuous in the city. It's practical. It is less likely to show stains than a light colour.

My photo shows the dark burgundy tee-shirt looking brighter than it does in reality.

The test will be how I grow to like the tee-shirt and wear it on holiday. I put it on to try it out. I am already loving it. What do I like most? The hand pockets. 

I also looked for a dress with pockets. The one I found had reviews which say it's wonderful but others point out that the fabric is thin, so, another says, bulky items in pockets make you hip-heavy and odd shaped. I like reviews, so I know what I am getting. 

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