Red outfit For a Red Wine Tasting Evening, dress of the night post 501


Angela Lansbury in red outfit for wine tasting. Photo by Trevor Sharot.

I wore a black top with red sleeves, an Anthony Skicari top, and a red Indigo Moon skirt, both in red rather than the white Anthony Sicari top I first selected. Why? Because my evening out was a wine tasting and I did not want red wine to stain my top, nor the skirt.

The red and black combination colour of the top was easy for me to co-ordinate with other clothing items and accessories. 

The Red Skirt
Indigo Moon label red skirt. Has embroidery. No pockets. The thick fabric is warm for mid-season. Although Indigo Moon is a vintage label it is easy to find. I saw twenty or more Indigo Moon skirts, jackets, and complete suits were are available on ebay.

Long Red Jacket
The red cape jacket with open sleeves has the label Be Jealous. I think the open sleeves are elegant. But you have to beware of it slipping off your shoulders. Especially if you buy a large size, which I do in the hope of added length and not finding it too tight to be comfortable. 

Why Buy Larger Size Clothes?
You can often check the length of a garment in the various sizes. I tend to forget to click on the down arrow which shows more details. Sometimes the clothes are longer in the larger sizes and because they use more fabric the price of larger sizes is higher. Occasionally I buy a large size because it appears in a sale. It is cheap because nobody has bought it so they want to get rid of it to clear physical clutter and clutter on the webspage.

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