
Showing posts from February, 2025

Dress from Camilla, New Zealand

  A colourful, light dress, perfect for a smart dinner out in New Zealand. Seen at Sage Restaurant at Paroa Bay, Bay of Islands, North Island ,New Zealand. The wearer told me, "It's also a great cover up for the beach."

Make Wine Not War

  Tee shirts worn by servers in the Man O War beachfront winery restaurant.  The tee shirts cost 45 NZ dollars. The location is Waikeke Island a ferry ride from Auckland, North Island, New Zealand.

Cut out dress worn by Sher, with Kit

 Sher with dress to impress new boyfriend, Kit,  on Valentine's Day. They met in Vancouver. This is Man o war in New Zealand.

Amanda's Anniversary

  She designs and makes her own clothes on Instagram.

Valentine's Day Dress of the day

  Angela Lansbury, wearing a tee-shirt with the word zlove, on Valentine"s Day. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Vintage tee shirt from a St Luke's Hospice shop in London, England.

Rainbow Dress In Rayon - Success

  Angela Lansbury  in rainbow dress. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright.  With horizontal stripes you have to stand straight.  Our first attempt was lopsided. I bought this dress in Thailand. It has no maker's label. I liked the rainbow pattern. It is jolly and can be matched with any one of the colours. I like rainbows. I always have. Everybody likes rainbows. They are now a political statement. But so are all the component colours. What might the colours symbolise to form a discussion point and win you friends? In addition to happy memories of the hopeful song, 'Somewhere Over The Rainbow'? The Colour Reminder Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet. Read out your green book in verse. Richard of York gained battle in vain.  Red Red, white and blue are the colours of the USA and UK flags.  Red and blue are political in New Zealand. Red for the Chinese as an auspicious colour.  Red is used for stop signs in the UK, as well as pillar box red. Orange O...

Fuchsia Fun Dress From Hospice Charity Shop in Gisborne New Zealand

  Angela Lansbury  wearing a fuschia dress. Photo by Trevor Sharot.  Copyright. Picture taken in CRK (Crawford Road Kitchen), Gisborne, New Zealand. The dress was bought from a charity shop, fund raising for a Hospice. My dress cost ten New Zealand dollars, about six pounds sterling in January 2025. The shop was huge.

Necklace from Fiji

 The charming lady with this lovely necklace and matching ear-rings told me she bought it in Fiji.  The design features two contrasting colours of silvery grey and pearly white pearls.  She was shy about showing her face so I have cocealed her face and enhanced my picture with a star. To see the necklace more clearly on your phone, blow up the picture on your screen with two fingers resting on the screen with fingertips together. Then slide the two fingertips apart.

Airline Socks from New Zealand Airlines

 I always save airline socks. Angela Lansbury wearing Air New Zealand airline socks. Photo by Trevor Sharot. Copyright. I have several colours of airline socks. Mostly plain navy blue