Animals & Plants Angela Lansbury wearing a sheep pattern top. Photo by Angela Lansbury. Copyright. Animals If animals are your favourite themes, you can get lots of cute cats, darling dogs, sheepish sheep, fine or funny fish, and high horses. Sheep Sheep are a popular theme in the UK, especially in Scotland on woollen garments. Princess Diana, as she then was, wore a jumper (Americans would say pullover) showing rows of white sheep and one black sheep. Angela in the sheep apron. Photo selfie by Angela Lansbury. Copyright. I have an apron with black faced white sheep on a red background which I wear daily. Label Ulster, Irish. Boats and Fish Sailing boats are a suitable theme for summer often with leaping fish. You could design your own repeating pattern. A whale and a sailboat. Even a cartoon of a big fish with a string of baby fish in tow, the big momma or daddy, or last tiddler looking up at the underside of a boat, thinking, or saying, the text in a bubble, what a bi...